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Communication Skills

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Communication Skills is at the core of all successful organisations. Communication can be either a direct communication or a feedback process. Direct communication is what occurs in a face to face conversation, whereas feedback is what occurs through writing, emails, phones etc. Both types of communication can be very effective. Direct communication is often used to set objectives, establish relationships, provide information, promote sales, clarify expectations, build consensus and make decisions.

Interpersonal skills are those skills utilised every day when interact and communicate with others, both informally and formally, either individually and as part of teams. They comprise a broad assortment of interpersonal skills including listening carefully, effective communication and clear listening. There is no single method to develop good communication skills, however, it is useful to use the processes of internal and external sources that teach good listening, effective communication and clear listening. This will result in increased productivity, improved feedback and, ultimately greater success.

For a communication skills self-assessment, consider whether you are an "availability" person "problem solver" or "self-starter". Being an availability person means you have many interests and skills which you are good at using, communicating and of course, listening to. Being a problem solver means you are able to quickly identify problems, solutions and opportunities. Being a self-starter means you set time aside regularly to complete your work, so that you arrive ready to "talk" on issues. Both of these personality styles are helpful in developing effective listening and talking skills.

Effective communication skills interpersonal skills consists of three elements: understanding, expressing and listening. Understanding involves being able to think about the subject at hand, and being able to express your thoughts clearly, calmly and assertively. Next, you must understand what you are communicating. Communicating requires the ability to analyze the message you are attempting to convey. Lastly, you must be able to listen carefully to what another person is communicating.

People skills are a way of getting what you want from others. When you communicate effectively, you can get your point across in a way that others will not be able to. Good interpersonal skills also mean that you will be able to build a good relationship with others, as well as increasing your productivity and creativity. Improving interpersonal skills can be as simple as making a commitment to pay attention when they need your attention, being willing to take a chance and trying something new. Improving your interpersonal skills can also take the form of learning new communication skills or adopting new professions.

The most important aspect of communicating effectively is listening carefully. During a job interview, for example, if you do not hear what the other person is saying, then you will lose the opportunity to learn from them and potentially make a mistake. Many people are successful in their careers by learning how to listen carefully and effectively. You can use communication skills in your job application to highlight any talents you have and any areas where you may need to improve.

Communication skills also include building good relationships. One of the key requirements for a successful career is building good relationships with your colleagues and supervisors. Effective communication skills allow you to build rapport with your colleagues, which improves your team's performance and reputation. If you are applying for a particular position in your company or at a specific job description, you should give examples of situations where you have successfully dealt with a similar situation. When you give examples of situations that demonstrate your communication skills, you show that you are someone who is confident and capable of handling difficult situations.

Communication skills can be taught. There are many different ways to learn how to communicate effectively and build effective relationships. If you feel that your interpersonal skills are poor, you can take a class or workshop to learn how to communicate effectively. A workplace or community learning course is also a good option. Learning how to communicate effectively is an important part of career development, so if you feel that you are not communicating as well as you would like, you should consider improving your skills.